The Gallery is a bespoke light installation designed by Mandylights and populated with artworks from young indigenous artists from Western Sydney through the Solid Ground and Blacktown Arts Programs. The installation was funded by Crown Sydney and installed along Crown's foreshore at Barangaroo for Vivid Sydney.
The Gallery uses seventy LED mPatt projectors to display over one hundred unique pieces of First Nations artwork. Artworks have been created by Solid Ground Program participants from Evans High School Blacktown, Chifley College Dunheved Campus, Chifley College Bidwill Campus and the Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation ‘Young Mums and Bubs’ group. The collated designs reflect community and show a diversity of techniques, compositions and styles.
A spectrum of colour and ever-changing animation effects cover the darkened landscape, working in harmony to create an immersive, expansive gallery of light. Be entranced as light constantly morphs, evolves and reinvents part of Wulugul Walk.